Little Hornet

The Little Hornet is McClean Anderson’s compact, entry level filament winder. The Little Hornet features 2-axes of computer-controlled motion driven by the Windows® based Ocelot machine control. The system is further enhanced with our Windows®-based SimWind pattern development software. The WLH is uniquely matched for both R&D and production environments.
Super Hornet

The Super Hornet is McClean Anderson’s multi-axis filament winder for composite part development, prototyping or production environments. The well optioned Super Hornet can be customized to meet your unique needs. The Super Hornet is driven by the Windows® based Ocelot machine control and SimWind pattern development software.

The Spider is McClean Anderson’s multi-spindle filament winder. Featuring multiple spindles, and multi-axis configuration, the Spider is uniquely matched for high volume production environments. It is driven by the Windows® based Ocelot machine control and Simwind pattern development software.